A Few Remarks

It's important to remember that Gubcast clients are uniquely identified by the TCP ports they listen for messages on (actually, by the combination of Internet address and port number) - not by client name. Client name is really the one clue that your Web page can give your Gubcast server to tell it how and when to push content out to the user. There are no constraints on the syntax of client name and no explicit length limit, so feel free to encode within client name whatever context information will be useful to the server.

While we think Gubcast is a handy tool for Web application development, it's not magic. There are things it can't do:


Gubcast can't penetrate firewalls without help. If there's a firewall between the Gubcast server (your application) and the user's browser, it must be directed to let TCP traffic pass on the clientPort and serverPort numbers cited in the HTML containing the applet. Otherwise Gubcast will be unable to register with the server and content push will be impossible.

For this reason, and because Gubcast requires installation of the Java plug-in on every user's machine, Gubcast may turn out to be especially useful for applications running within corporate intranets - behind the firewall - as opposed to those that run over the Internet at large.

Browser crashes

Gubcast can't tell when a browser simply crashes (i.e., the machine the browser is running on is abruptly reset, powered off, unplugged, vaporized in a nuclear holocaust, etc.). When this happens, the Gubcast applet isn't given an opportunity to unregister with the server, so a "ghost" client may remain in the server's client registry; in the Gubdemo system this means that a ghost client is left in the Gubshell client menu. This is unfortunate but unavoidable, and it's easy to repair: the ghost will be immediately detected and deleted if you try to push content to it.