Class FlexPipe

Direct Known Subclasses:
ByteArrayPipe, InetReqPipe

public class FlexPipe
extends java.lang.Object

A FlexPipe is a FIFO linked list with one reader and one or more writers that behaves like a pipe. A thread registers itself as a FlexPipe's reader either explicitly or else implicitly on its initial attempt to read from the pipe. The reader of a FlexPipe remains its registered reader until it explicitly detaches itself from the pipe; any attempt to read from a pipe by any thread other than the registered reader (if any) throws an IllegalStateException. Reading an item from a FlexPipe removes the oldest item in the list. The readItem method always blocks the reader until the list contains at least one item. A non-blocking pollForItem method is also provided. Writing an item to a FlexPipe appends the item to the pipe's linked list and unblocks the reader. Writing an item to a FlexPipe never blocks the writer, as is possible when writing to PipedOutput; a slow reader merely causes the list length to increase. This means that a FlexPipe can easily handle arbitrarily spiky traffic, so long as the reader always eventually catches up. (For flow-controlled inter-thread communication, use PipedOutput and PipedInput.) Any item that's written to a FlexPipe which currently has no registered reader is simply discarded. This relieves the pipe's writer(s) of responsibility for ensuring that an unconstrained pipe doesn't grow endlessly and consume all memory.

Constructor Summary
protected FlexPipe()
          Construct an empty FlexPipe with no registered reader.
Method Summary
 void attach()
          Register the calling thread as the pipe's sole reader.
 void detach()
          Unregister the pipe's currently registered reader, if any.
protected  java.lang.Object pollForItem()
          Extract from the pipe the object that has been in the pipe the longest, if any.
protected  java.lang.Object readItem()
          Extract from the pipe the object that has been in the pipe the longest.
protected  void writeItem(java.lang.Object item)
          Append a new object to the pipe.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected FlexPipe()
Construct an empty FlexPipe with no registered reader.
Method Detail


public void attach()
Register the calling thread as the pipe's sole reader. The method throws an IllegalStateException if some other thread is already registered as the pipe's reader.


public void detach()
Unregister the pipe's currently registered reader, if any.


protected void writeItem(java.lang.Object item)
Append a new object to the pipe. Any thread can write to any FlexPipe at any time. Note, though, that nothing is actually appended to a pipe while that pipe has no registered reader.
item - The object to write to the pipe.


protected java.lang.Object readItem()
                             throws java.lang.InterruptedException
Extract from the pipe the object that has been in the pipe the longest. The method blocks until there is at least one object in the pipe. Automatically attaches the calling thread as the pipe's reader.
The oldest object in the pipe.


protected java.lang.Object pollForItem()
                                throws java.lang.InterruptedException
Extract from the pipe the object that has been in the pipe the longest, if any. If the pipe is empty, the method immediately returns null. Automatically attaches the calling thread as the pipe's reader in any case.
The oldest object in the pipe, or null if the pipe is empty.

Copyright 2003 Steps On Cats